Google a Little Story About Time

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       Leonora was in her living room. She glanced at the big picture of her husband on the wall and recollected. "I want you to be my girlfriend," Thomas said. Leonora, an American woman, stared at

the handsome man for a moment and smiled slightly and said, "You haven't even courted me, I can't be your girlfriend." Thomas looked at her for a moment and smiled slightly. "All right, I'm going to court you, but you have to teach me how," he said. "Huh," the beautiful Leonora just said looking at him. "Yeah, you have to teach me how, so I'd be sure I'll get your approval," he said and held her her closer right away, smiling at her even more. Thomas got the lovely woman's approval and they were engaged. 

A month before the wedding took place, an accident happened. A boy was trapped inside a burning house. Thomas hurried, went inside and rescued him. Outside of the burning house Leonora saw Thomas laid down the unharmed boy on the ground. Leonora saw Thomas had burns all over his body. She cried looking at the man she loved, but then right before her eyes, all the burns on Thomas body slowly disappeared. Thomas completely healed. He then approached Rebecca and held her. "What are you, how did you heal just like that?" she asked him. "I'm an alien Rebecca," Thomas told her. "I came from another planet."But you told me...." Rebecca just said. "Yeah I told you I jumped off from my airplane when you saw me landed on a parachute near you, but the truth was I jumped off my burning spacecraft...." he told her. "Do you still love me Rebecca?" "Yes, still love you, I mean I love you Thomas. I will always love you," she replied hugging him. A month later they were married. They had a good happy married life. Thomas loved her with all his heart and made her happy. He made her the happiest while he was still alive. Her tears fell down her cheeks remembering her husband. She then glanced at the room where their only daughter Rebecca was. She stood up and went to her. Rebecca their 25 year daughter was dying in her room in their big house. Her father, Thomas, had died a long time ago at that time. She told her mother that she was hoping to see her father after her death when she goes to heaven. But then her mother, Leonora, told her that she indeed would see her father but not in heaven, she would see him in his home planet called Lira revealing revealing to her that her father was an alien. Leonora told Rebecca that they were the kind of aliens that had definite number of years to live and die. Men live longer, 60 years and girls 25 years. They never died whatever happened to them. Even when Thomas had cancer he never died he survived it. Rebecca also had cancer but she too, just like her father, healed on her own and survived it. They always survived like cats, only they had unlimited life until they reach their scheduled death.               Rebecca remembered that she was trapped in a building during a fire and burned she healed on her own. When she told her mother about it, her mother about it she replied, "I was praying to God, for you and for our family." Rebecca also remembered that when she fall down from a tall tower from the rooftop to the ground she immediately got up and was only slightly hurt and when she told her mother about it, she replied, "I was in church, I prayed and gave a big donation to the priests and nuns."....... "Your father and I decided to hide the truth from you, that you are my son to an alien man," her mother told her. "We wanted you to feel normal, and not any different from other kids, your age.... "So that's why ...." Rebecca softly said looking at her mother slightly understanding her mother's replies to her. "I always pray hard every day, so I could give you an answer, a ready answer and truthful, without me telling you what you really are. I hoped you would think it was all a miracle," smiling slightly at her, her mother answered. "I did," Rebecca uttered, smiling slightly at her, though she was really feeling weak.............When they die they go back to their home planet. Leonora told her daughter Rebecca that when they die a second time in their home planet that was the time the they go to heaven. Rebecca died and Leonora accepted it, quietly................When Leonora was already 50 years old, she died. She was a good and kind woman. When Leonora was in heaven she saw her daughter and husband for at that time they had already died back in their home planet the way humans also die, normally. Up in heaven Leonora, Rebecca, and Thomas embraced each other and lived happily, and blissfully, eternally.

                                               The End 


          The Superhero Flying Chicken         

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       From his window, looking up at the sky, little eight-year old Jarred saw a spaceship flying in the sky. He immediately rushed outside seeing that it was about to land right in front of the wide plains in front of their big house where he lived with his Filipina mother and American father, Almira and Joseph. He ran and ran and when he got there he immediately ran inside. Inside the spaceship he looked around and saw no one. Moments later he heard someone speaking from the door of the spaceship behind him. He turned around and saw an alien from the planet Lina looking at him. Startled and afraid he stepped back and did not say a word. "Don't be afraid, I'm 
not going to harm you, I only came down to leave my chicken in your care. I saw you in your window," he told him trying to calm the handsome young little boy, Jarred. Intently Jarred stared at the chicken the alien was holding on his one arm and hand. "That's a good looking chicken," Jarred finally replied starting to come down and amused by the good looking chicken also looking at him. "Master but I don't want to stay," the chicken pleaded to her alien master. "No, you're pregnant, you're not prepared to go to war, you';re staying here under the care of this young boy," firmly, he told the chicken. Liking the chicken instantly Jarred spoke, "Hey good looking talking chicken, don't you worry I'll take good care of you." "Good," the alien man named Luke spoke handing Jarred the chicken as the latter approached him looking at the chicken. The alien spaceship flew with the chicken in Jarred little hands. When the spaceship finally disappeared, he looked down at the chicken. "Don't you worry, I'll take good care of you," Jarred stated once again assuring the alien chicken, Lucilla................A month later the chicken gave birth. Jarred was so surprised, the chicken gave birth on their barn to a cute live little chicken. He immediately knelt down and hold the new born little chicken.......Another month passed and Jarred saw the chicken flying down from above approaching him. "I'm going back to our planet, I'm flying alone home. I'm strong now, I'll go back and help in the battle. Please take good care of my little daughter for me," she said. Sensing he couldn't stop the alien chicken from leaving Jarred replied, "Yeah I will." ..........A year later and the chicken he named Monina grew, she grew as big as the adult chickens on earth in their place...............The chicken, Monina, flying in the sky fired white chicken eggs from the middle and upper part of her chest, the manananggal was hit screamed in pain, turned orange and exploded. The children rushed and picked up the cooked and uncooked chicken eggs. "But they are your eggs aren't you mad they are taking them?" her young master Jarred asked her. "No, they won't hatch they're just good for battle and for the eating, don't you remember I was born a live cute chicken?" Two days after Monina was born she already started talking to her mother, little words that impressed Jarred and made her dearer to him.........The egg cracked when it hit the cat attacking a group of ducks. "How come the egg cracked this time?" he asked her. "To intimidate or just for fun my weapons cracks and the egg white and the egg yolk shows," Monina replied smiling slightly at her young master....... Invisible, Monina suddenly reapeared in the sea where Jarred was. Jarred was being attacked by a shokoy. The shokoy saw the egg Monina released towards him. Rapidly the shokoy ran away, but the egg hit him. The shokoy screamed in pain, turned orange and exploded....... Under the sea Monina released her egg towards another evil shokoy who attacked a group of fishermen. The egg hit the evil shokoy. The shokoy screamed in pain, turned orange and exploded........Monina saw an aswang attacking a mother and daughter in their house. From above she hurried and fired green laser light from the middle and upper of her chest. The aswang was hit in the body. She screamed in pain, turned orange and exploded.......Monina released and released eggs from the middle and upper part of her chest. The enemy alien spaceship was hit everywhere. The alien spaceship shook, turned orange and exploded.......Weak and lying on the ground Jarred approached Monina. In tears he knelt down and looked at her...........Monina slowly opened her eyes and saw Jarred crying beside her. It was almost her second birthday and she remembered her alien mother told her that at that time she will already be more powerful and could withstand much stronger attacks and could release powerful orange eggs that could kill fierce enemies. Suddenly she felt much stronger when she was supposed to be weak from the earlier attacks she endured from the fierce alien enemy flying above the sky. It was already the exact time and day of her second birthday. She stood up, flew and prepared to release her egg. And it was true an orange egg came shooting out from the middle and upper part of her chest. The powerful orange egg headed towards the gigantic alien enemy. The alien enemy was hit. She screamed in pain, turned orange and exploded. The battle was over, Monina won. She then flew down and headed towards Jarred who was rejoicing on the ground."Yeah, it's already your second birthday," Jarred said aloud looking up at his friend descending towards him on the ground........

                                             The End